Vertigo is a condition of dizzy spells that makes the patient feel like they are or their surroundings are spinning.
BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) is a form of vertigo that occurs when calcium particles in your inner ear canal becomes unbalanced creating misinformation of your balance and affects your eyes with a symptom call "nystagmus".
Vertigo can occur with pressure changes, increase intracranial pressure from infection and concussion or trauma to the head.
The Epley maneuver is a type of exercise that is used to treat BPPV dizziness. It is preferred that all dizziness symptoms be assessed by Physiotherapist to ensure the right treatment to resolve dizziness.
A large part of our society suffers from dizziness with bending over, walking, standing and getting up from bed. This type of symptom can be contributed by postural misalignment created by muscle tension imbalance causing short episodes of dizziness usually lasting a couple seconds and generalized instability with possible head heaviness sensation.
This type of issue is described as dizziness but has different characteristics to "true" vertigo or BPPV. Clients can be easily sent to therapy for vertigo treatments but essentially it is the muscle tension that causes cervical nerves being impinged leading to temporary and recurring dizziness symptoms!